
Margarita Neri y la Revolución de México

Muchas mujeres participaron en la Revolución de México. Muchas de ellas fueron enfermeras pero algunas de ellas fueron soldaderas. Muchas soldaderas fueron banditas o forajidas antes de la Revolución de México y en consecuencia ellas no llamaron sus nombres, ellas se llamaban La Coronela o La Corredora. Una famosa soldadera fue Margarita Neri. Ella fue una comandante por la guerra. Los otros soldados trataron las mujeres como hombres. Margarita llevaba la ropa de un hombre y actuaba como un hombre. Ella fue una Líder.   En 1910 Margarita Neri condujo muchos soldados a la batalla, ella mató mucha gente y ella era despiadada. El enemigo fue Porfirio Díaz y Margarita quería matar lo. Mucha gente estaron muy asustado de Margarita. Hasta después de la guerra ella llevó la ropa de hombres y ella llevó una pistola.    

Word Bank:
Soldier: Soldado (era)
Bandits: Bandidos (as)
Nurse: Enfermera
Commander: Comandante
War: Guerra
Battle: Batalla 
Kill: Matar
Colonel: Coronel (a)
Leader: Líder
Outlaw: forajido (a)

"Mexican Revolution." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 05 May 2011. <>.

"Evidence for Historical Banditry and Folk Noble Bandits in the Ancient World." Bold Caballeros and Noble Bandidas. Web. 05 May 2011. <>.

Villistas, Mid-1913 The. "From Soldaderas to Comandantas: Introduction." Welcome To The ACTLab. Web. 05 May 2011. <>.

República Dominicana Comida
Plátanos con Salami

La República Dominicana se convirtió una nación en 1844. La República Dominicana máximo importante la hora de comer es almuerzo. Ellos generalmente comen arroz, carne, frijoles y ensalada en almuerzo. Dominicanas generalmente beben Morir Soñando, batida, mabí, café, y cerveza. Mi receta, Plátanos con Salami, contiene plátanos. Plátanos crecen en áreas tropicales. Plátanos son muy similares a bananos pero ellos cocinan plátanos generalmente y bananos comen crudo. Mi receta contiene salami y aceite también.  Dominicanas comen Plátanos con Salami en almuerzo. Carne es muy popular en almuerzo. Comida en la República Dominicana generalmente contiene carne y azúcar en vez de lechero y vegetales.

1."Dominican Republic." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. <>.
2.Jexsy's Recipes. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. <>.
3. "Plantain." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. <>.
4."How to Make “Platano Con Salami” | Notecook." Notecook | Recipes For Everyone and Every Occasion. Chicken, Beef, Salads, Desserts, Cooking and Baking. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. <>.
Epifinía Del Señor
Epifanía del Señor or Epiphany is a public holiday celebrated in many Spanish countries. This holiday parallels very closely with a holiday celebrated in The U.S and other countries called Christmas. The twelve days of Christmas begin on December 25th and end on January 5th,  but morning of January 6th is when they celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. This day is celebrated all around the world and is a very traditional holiday.
The Feast of The Epiphany celebrates when the three kings or three wise men, Melchor, Gasper, and Balthasar brought gifts to the Baby Jesus. The three kings brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby messiah. Along the way they were stopped by king Herod and asked to tell the king where the messiah is when they found him so he could pay homage as well. However, the three kings were warned not to return to Herod for he planned to kill the baby when he found his location. The reason this story is so important is because the three kings were the first Gentiles or non-Jews to acknowledge Jesus as “King”.
Epiphany is one of the oldest Christians feasts. On this holiday families gather to eat and feast together. A dish that people normally eat on this holiday is sweat bread studded with pearl sugar and dried fruits. Sometimes it is filled with cream and has a little bean, coin, or doll on the inside. If you find the bean, coin, or doll you get good luck. This holiday focuses on two different things, the three kings and Jesus’ baptism. The Roman-Catholic and Protestant churches focus on the three kings but most Eastern Orthodox churches focus on the baptism. Epiphany is a public holiday in countries such as Austria, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland, Ethiopia (but on different date that varies annually), parts of Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, and Uruguay.
In certain countries children sometimes dress as the three kings and go around to houses and sing to people. They are usually rewarded with treats and cookies.  The night of January 6th Children are brought gifts from the three kings. Kids usually leave out cookies and milk for the three kings along with a letter about how good they’ve been and what kind of gifts they want. If they’re bad they get coal but usually that doesn’t happen. Also children leave socks outside to receive gifts. Over all this holiday is a lot like Christmas.
Epiphany is a very cool holiday that has been celebrated for a long time. It has a lot of cultural significance and it celebrates religion, family, and happiness. In conclusion I really like this holiday and I’m glad I wrote about it.

Source 1
Medium, By. "Epiphany (holiday)." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 07 Dec. 2010.

Source 2
 "Articles: Dia De Los Tres Reyes, Three Kings Day, Rosca De Reyes, Tortilla Soup Recipe." Bay Area Events Calendar, Business Directory, Networking Expos Mixers, Jobs, Products, Services, Entrepreneur Opportunities... Web. 07 Dec. 2010.

Source 3
"Holidays: Epiphany." Web. 07 Dec. 2010.

Telenovela Project
 In this project we divided into groups to write and film a telenovela. A telenovela is a spanish soap opera. The telenovela my group and I wrote is about a women named Chachi who gets pregnant and does not know who the father is.

¿Quién es el Padre?

Escena #1/Chachi y Juan y Alejandro/Jenna Brooks

Int./la cafatería de escuela/día

Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Juan: Zack Dowd
Alejandro: Nathan Stilwell

Descripcion visual de la escena
Chachi y Juan están comiendo juntos y después Chachi  sale con Alijandro.

Juan (nervioso) - Hola Chachi, tú estás bonita.-

Chachi (feliz) -Hola Juan, gracias.-

Juan -¿Cómo estás?-

Chachi -¿Muy bien y tú?-

Juan -Bien, bien.-

Chachi -Yo tengo que ir al baño-

Chachi se levanta y camina afuera. Ella camina por Alijandro y le da una nota. Ella regresa a Juan.

Chachi(triste) -Yo tengo que ir.-

Juan(triste) -¿Por qué?-

Chachi -Por qué mi madre está loca. Ella quiere qué estoy en casa.-

Juan(muy triste) -Buenas noches Chachi.-

Chachi(triste) -Adios Juan.-

Chachi camina afuera y entra en el carro de Alejandro.

Alejandro(Feliz) -Hola chica.-

Chachi(Feliz) -Vamanos Alejandro.-

se van.

Escena #2/Estoy Embrazada/Alicia Armstrong

Int./Casa de Jerrica/día

Personajes/ actores
Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Rosio: Jenna Brooks

Descripcion visual de la escena
Sueña el teléfono.

Rosio (normal) -¿Hola?-

Chachi (preocupada) -¡Rosio! Estoy Embarazada!-

Rosio (sorprendida) -¡Ay dios mío! ¿Estas segura?-

Chachi (preocupada) -Estoy segura de que puedo sentir patadas.-

Rosio (ansiosa) -Voy ahorita misma.-

Chachi (preocupada) -¡Rápida! ¡Rápida!-

Toca la puerta.

Chachi (preocupada) -Pásele.-

Rosio (sorprendida) -Chachi, ¿qué vas a hacer?-

Chachi (preocupada) -No sé.-

Rosio (sorprendida)- ¿Has dicho a tu madre?-

Chachi (preocupada)- No.-

Rosio (calma) - Así,¿quien es el padre?-

Chachi (preocupada)-No sé.-

Rosio (surprendida)-Ay dios mio Chachi, vamos a decir a tu madre.-

Rosio (ansiosa)-¡Vamos!-

        Chachi y Rosio salen la escena.

Esceña #3/ La Confrontación/Zack Dowd

Int./En la cocina/ dia

Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Margarita: Jerrica Crosby
Rosio: Jenna Brooks

Descripcion visual de la escena
Chachi hace frente a Margarita sobre el bebe.

Chachi -Hola mi madre.-

Margarita -Guau. Tú has conseguido gorda-

Chachi -(gasp) Grosero. Estoy embrazada.

Margarita -¿Tú estás embrazada?-

Chachi -Sí. no sabia.-

Margarita -¿Quién es el padre?-

Chachi -no sé.-

Margarita -¿Como sucedió ésto?

Chache - ¡NO SÉ!-

Margarita -Bien, cuando tú sabes, vuélvete a decirme.-

Enscena #4/La Lucha/Nathan Stilwell

Int./En fuera /dia

Juan: Zack Dowd
Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Alejandro: Nathan Stiwell

Descripcion visual de la escena
Juan y Alejandro van a la casa para hablar con Chachi.

Chachi (nerviosa): - Juan, Alejandro yo tengo algo que decirles-

Alejandro (Curioso):-¿Qué pasó?-

Chachi (preocupado):- Yo estoy embarazada-

Juan (Sorprendido):- Ay mi dios mío, ¿Quién es el padre?

Chachi:- Uhhh-

Alejandro(interrumpe):- ¿Quién es el padre Chachi?-

Chachi:- Yo no sé-

Juan (Ruidoso):- ¡Yo soy el padre!-

Alejandro(ferozamente):- ¡No, yo soy el padre!-


Ellos luchen

Chachi(Preocupado):- Se mi rompió-

Todos:- Ay dios mío-

Escena #5/El Padre/Jerrica Crosby

Int./La casa de Jerrica, en un cuarto/día

Chachi-Alicia Armstrong
Rosio-Jenna Brooks
Margarita-Jerrica Crosby
Alejandro- Nathan Stilwell
Juan-Zack Dowd

Descriptión visual de la escena:
Chachi está en la cama del hospital, con su bebé. El padre verdadero aperece.

Chachi (sorprendida)- Ay dios mío! Tuve un bebé!-

Rosio (emocionada)- Es tan lindo.-

Alejandro (confundido)- ¿Cómo?¡ese bebé no se parece a mí!-

Juan (enojado)-¡Yo tampoco!-

Treven (emocionado) -¡Es mí bebé!¡Yo soy el padre!-

Treven se va con el bebé.

Chachi (preocupada)-¡Llevó a mí bebé!-

Todos juntos-¡No importa!-

Jenna Brooks
Group members: Nathan,         
Zack, Alicia, Jerrica

Spanish reflection

            The telenovela that my group and I wrote has a good plot. First, the main character of our telenovela is Cachi played be Alicia Armstrong. The story begins with Chachi and Juan, who is played by Zack, and they are out on a date. The date is going well but it eventually ends with Chachi telling Juan she must leave. Chachi walks out the door and gets in the car with bad boy Alejandro played by Nathan. Alejandro and Chachi ride off in the distance. The next day Chachi wakes up to find that she is very pregnant. She calls her friend Rosio, who is played by me, and tells her. Rosio comes over and asks her a very important question. Rosio asks who the father is and Chachi doesn’t know. This is the name of our telenovela, Quein es el Padre? or Who is the Father?.

            Our main character Chachi goes through a lot before the story can be resolved. First, she has to tell her mom about the pregnancy.  Her mom is Margarita played by Jerrica. Secondly, Juan and Alejandro have to be informed about Chachi’s pregnancy and obvious unfaithfulness. This leads to some brawling. However the story is finally resolved after Chachi has her baby. Everyone is in the hospital room and Chachi is holding her baby when Trevin our guest star walks in. He walks up to Chachi and announces that he is the father. He then steals the baby and runs off. That is how my telenovela is resolved.

            The scene that I wrote is the first scene. In this scene, as I briefly described before, Chachi and Juan are out on a date. Juan is very nervous but Chachi is happy. They talk but then Chachi has to go to the bathroom. On her way to the bathroom Chachi hands a note to Alejandro who is sitting close to Juan and Chachi then she walks back to Juan and makes an excuse to leave. Juan is very sad she has to go but he says goodbye and watches as she leaves. When she gets outside she hops in the car with Alejandro and they leave together. This is the scene I wrote.

            If I was going to assign myself a grade for the scene I wrote I would give myself an A for many reasons. First, my scene was well thought out and has good detail. Before my dialogue I describe how the character feels. Secondly, my scene is formatted right. It meets the requirements it needs to meet. Also, I learned a lot of Spanish while writing the script. I learned a lot about ir and er verbs and my vocabulary has increased. Lastly, my scene was written well. After editing it, it doesn’t have mistakes and it is all grammatically correct and spelled correct. In conclusion I think I deserve an A, I worked really hard on this and that’s the grade I think I should get.